facebook comment mirror
facebook comment mirror

TheFacebookCommentsPluginenablesvisitorstoeasilyhaveadiscussionaroundyourcontent.Improveengagement,increasetimespentonsite,andseamlessly ...,We'readdingLike,Comment,andSharebuttonsatthebottomofyourarticlestogivepeoplemorewaystoengagewithyourstori...

Comment - Graph API - Meta for Developers


** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Facebook Comments Plugin

The Facebook Comments Plugin enables visitors to easily have a discussion around your content. Improve engagement, increase time spent on site, and seamlessly ...

Update to Like, Comment, and Share Functionality

We're adding Like, Comment, and Share buttons at the bottom of your articles to give people more ways to engage with your stories. Likes and Comments captured ...

Comments - Social Plugins - Meta for Developers

A part of the comments plugin is a powerful moderation tool. This tool makes it easy and fast for your community management team to moderate multiple comments ...

Comment - Graph API - Meta for Developers

You can publish comments by using the /comments edge when it is present on a node. Deleting You can delete a comment by using the following endpoint.

Facebook Comment Mirroring留言同步[no longer available]

作法 · 設定並啟用Comments Moderation/審核工具(網站所嵌入的留言區塊) · 在這個留言的Comments Moderation的設定裡,啟用Comment Mirroring,並選擇要 ...

How to remove facebook comment mirroring

Comment Mirroring allows people to participate in a single conversation, whether comments come from your webpage or from your Facebook Page.

Responsive facebook comment box

I've been researching several different ways to force a facebook comment box plug-in to be fluid/responsive/liquid/whatever-we-call-it (just showing the ...

Topic: Facebook Comments Mirroring

With Comment Mirroring, people can participate in a single conversation, whether comments come from your web page or your Facebook Page. When you share a link ...

Getting started with Facebook Comment Mirroring

Facebook Comment Mirroring brings together the comments from both places into a single conversation. This means that you can use an active Facebook presence to ...

你意思係出個FB post可以Mirror post 去threads? 官方應該未有呢個 ...

你意思係出個FB post可以Mirror post 去threads? 官方應該未有呢個功能喎定係我真係唔知?可唔可以講詳細啲? 1. konosss's profile picture.


TheFacebookCommentsPluginenablesvisitorstoeasilyhaveadiscussionaroundyourcontent.Improveengagement,increasetimespentonsite,andseamlessly ...,We'readdingLike,Comment,andSharebuttonsatthebottomofyourarticlestogivepeoplemorewaystoengagewithyourstories.LikesandCommentscaptured ...,Apartofthecommentspluginisapowerfulmoderationtool.Thistoolmakesiteasyandfastforyourcommunitymanagementteamtomoderatemu...